
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Subject Debunked: Being Alone

We all know two kids: the one who is the life of the party. Whenever there's a social event, you see him/her there. And then the other kid is the opposite. You see him in the background. He's the social outcast.

We're talking about both of them today.

We love being together. The time we feel safest is when we're in a cluster of loved ones. Some people think that they're better off without fellow humans to slow them down, but in the end, they really do have at least one trusted confidant to hang on to.
This leads me to point one: we were designed to be together.

Then why are people pushing away from each other? Why do we isolate persons who are just like us, but we ignore them anyway? Why this separation?

Point two: Sin came into the world. God's perfect plan has been mutilated.
Why aren't we concerned about this? Because we sin, and admit it, we LOVE sinning. It's fun, it satisfies our malicious desires, and besides, everybody does it.

But here's the party pooper: one day you are going to have to stand before the judgement throne of God, ALONE, and give an account of every single way you broke His law. He cannot tolerate people breaking His law. The reward for breaking it is eternal wrath. It's not just a spanking. This God creates volcanoes, swirls hurricanes, and spins tornadoes, all with his pinky finger. Can you imagine getting pounded with His fist forever?

Point three: This God loved us so much that He sent a substitute! His only son Jesus came down to us, living the perfect life that we never could, and taking the world's sins on Himself, He endured the full wrath of His father in three hours. Guys, we couldn't even pay off our sin if we had a thousand eternities to do it! And now if we love God back, we have Jesus on our side, who will stand alongside us before that throne and say, "Dad, this one I paid for, let him/her in."

If you have Jesus as your friend, you are never alone.

Elsie Mason